Impact of Technology on Mental Health
Technology has been an integral part of our daily lives, and we have been completely relying on technology to compute any tasks. Similarly, technology has made our lives easier, and we can compute any tasks within a short time with comfort and efficiency. Besides the several traits of technology, there are various drawbacks and the impact of technology on mental health is a severe problem nowadays.
This blog will depict the impact of technology on mental health and also discuss the approaches on how to balance and minimize the consequences.

How does technology’s impact on mental health be harmful?
Although technology has helped every individual to perform their tasks conveniently, there are several impacts of technology on mental health. The impact of technology on mental health is harmful and leads to detrimental effects like addiction to the internet, depression, anxiety, and high levels of stress.
What is the Impact of Technology on Mental Health?
Several studies and research have portrayed that the excessive use of social media leads to the symptoms of anxiety and depression. The use of technology for a long time can lead to physical health problems for instance back pain, neck pain, headaches, eye problems etc. Not only physical health problems, prolonged technology use can lead to mental problems like anxiety, depression, social isolation, and many more.
Similarly, excessive use of social media results in sleeping issues and decreases self-esteem. This may also result in the risk of anxiety and depression. The interest or the pressure to show a perfect life online can lead to increased feelings of anxiety.
“If you sleep with your phone nearby, subconsciously you are expecting a message… so your sleep will be lighter. “
-Dr. Sue Peacock, Consultant Health Psychologist
Additionally, online platforms have also significantly led to mental health issues. In this digital age, the main factors leading to negative impacts are Cyberbullying and online harassment. The abusive behavior of the anonymity provided by online platforms has increased stress, anxiety, and depression for the victims.
In addition to this, the exposure to imagery standards on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem and it may result in body image issues and eating disorders also.
Furthermore, addiction to online platforms and prolonged use of the platforms lead to productivity decrement, sleeping disorders, and feelings of dependency that can impact the mental well-being of a person.
The information gained from several sources like emails, social media updates, and news can lead individuals to an overload of information and also lead to increased stress levels.
Finding a Balance to Minimize the Impact of Technology on Mental Health
As we discussed there are several negative impacts of technology on mental health. It is very crucial to strike a balance between the use of technology and the impacts of it. So, here are a few tips to find a balance between the benefits and negative impacts:
i. Setting the Boundaries
This is the easiest and a common way to balance the excessive use of technology and the impacts of this. Individuals must set time limits for the use of social media platforms or limit their screen time. They must maintain a sleeping pattern and minimize screen time, especially before bedtime.
ii. Taking Regular Breaks
Taking timely breaks from technology will support to reduce the stress levels. It is better to look for tech-free activities. You can go walking or draw or read the books on your free time instead of scrolling the social media.
iii. Exercises and meditation
This is another way to keep yourself from stress levels and other mental health issues like anxiety and stress. 10 minutes of exercise or meditation can help you a lot in balancing your screen time and minimizing health issues.
iv. Use 20-20-20 Rule
One of the strategies to reduce eye problems is to use the 20-20-20 rule. This means every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on the object that is 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds.
In conclusion, technology has resulted in detrimental effects on mental health. The impact of technology on mental health has been a serious issue and a concern these days. To solve this issue, individuals can remove the apps or unfollow accounts that make them feel bad, stressed, or overwhelmed. Another way is you unsubscribe from many emails or newsletters and turn off the notifications for unimportant apps or messages.